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We are excited to announce a new series of classes here at Temple Sinai, this Spring, on Thursday nights, March 13-May 15. The evening begins at 6:15pm with a community Potluck, followed by two sessions, first session at 6:45pm and second session at 7:45pm. Childcare will be available throughout.
Spring Semester includes the following classes: Session 1 at 6:45pm: Both Sides, Now: Exploring the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict led by Rabbi Edleson We will be reading excerpts from : Rashid Khalidi: The 100 year war on Palestine Yardena Schwartz: ghosts of a holy war Ari Shavit: Lydda 1948 Benny Morris: Righteous Victims Daniel Gordis: The Israelis
Session 2 at 7:45pm: Conversational Hebrew, led by Rabbi Edleson and Judy Alexander
Plus our Knitsvah Craft Group will be meeting in the Social Hall during the Potluck hour!
You can sign up for classes below. Tuition is voluntary, no one is turned away, but if you are able please consider making a donation per course of $20 or more to defray some of Temple's costs. Classes are open to Temple members and non-members.